Re: Mu Tech (GCC implementation)

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Fri Dec 22 2000 - 13:45:05 CET

On Thu, Dec 21, 2000 at 06:56:02PM -0800, Bob Romprey nicely wrote:
> greetings,
> I'd like to know exactly what's missing other than the kernel source from the CGG implementation that muLinux uses.
> Meaning........if I were to get the 2.0.36 kernel source code would I encounter difficulties recompiling the kernel or any other source code floating around on the net???
> This is a question that I'm sure, at least a few on this list
> would be quite interested in.

I run Debian 2.2, mostly complete. But if I download a package from the
net and compile it, I have always some probability that compiling fail.
In this case, I get one of my six Debian CD and load the missing library.

Now, scale your mind from Debian 2.2 to muLinux 11r2 and stay
pondering for 1-2 seconds: does that answer to your question?


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