Re: D/L muLinux

From: Mark Greed ([email protected])
Date: Fri Dec 22 2000 - 13:07:36 CET - the Australian mirror - works fine: i connected just
I think that it might just be because it is only available to Australian and
NZ connections.
mirror.aarnet has been a pretty good mulinux mirror, and is also a good
place to get other linux iso's from.
I've found it to be reliable and fast.

Mark Greed. Australia

> Australia: no response, timed out
> I'm not sure what conclusion to draw from this. The fact that I
> couldn't connect to Russia, Denver or Australia might mean that those
> sites aren't really there, or it might mean that the sites are fine and
> are serving a useful purpose because the people in those places would
> have equal difficulty connecting to a site in northwest Europe. (I'm in
> Scotland.) Maybe some list subscribers in Russia, the US and Australia
> can say whether they are depending on those sites.
> Stephen Isard

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