internet connection problem

From: artudange ([email protected])
Date: Thu Dec 21 2000 - 11:56:12 CET

Hello mu-people

I've a problem with internet connection: when I dial ppp-on all seems working well (on display

appear "connected!") but if I try to surf in internet (with lynx or quark) or if I try to

send-fetch mail (with rna or mutt) i get error messages.

For example, this is what appear with fetchmail:

/# fetchmail artudange *******

mu-fetchmail (by M. Andreoli)
Queryng (protocol pop-3, user artudange) ...
See /var/log/fetchmail.log for log report. forward host lookup failed: Host name lookup failure :
Connection refused
Received 0 msgs.


Could someone help me?

BTW: I tried to have a look to fetchmail.log or sendmail.log but the /var/log/ directory is


Thenks. artudange

written in original "fractured english"

TiscaliNet, libero accesso ad Internet.
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