Re: New way to install.. was Re: another mod...

From: Gerrit Lammert ([email protected])
Date: Tue Dec 19 2000 - 18:38:03 CET

Hi Michele, Pat,

thank you both for understanding me! :-)
That it is not a change in philosophy but in scalability.

I'm looking forward to every change in every new release of mu whatever it
may bring...


> > A sort of object-oriented programming is already provided with addon:
> > in fact, the addon loader ONLY unpack the addon then run the
> > script "prolog" located in /usr/XYZ/bin/prolog.
> >
> So it is allready an hybrid system...
> I will had that removing add-on setup stuff from the 1st floppy doesn't
lead to
> a large amount of space. You gain the, maybe some files in
/etc ?
> Some .fun files, but not a lot of, and that's all.
> Putting something in the first sectors of the add-on disk, and the add-ons
> specific .fun on the add-on disk could become usefull if the number of
> and the ressources that can be setup on the disk were also growing. In my
> opinion, this problem is more a problem of scalability.
> > In the future, having time to spent, I will search a solution not
> > expensive and will do a try, but believe me: it seems to me a little
> > revolution in the actual structure.
> I agree with that.
> I don't think that implementing such a mechanism changes radically mu's
> in my opinion the add-on centric view doesn't lead to a different design,
only a
> different location for setup funs and some info messages, and a way to
> automatically link files in /setup dir and in /usr/addon/setup.
> A list of all ressources, even those located on the add-ons can reside on
> first floppy, for the boot sequence, and maybe dependance checking.
> Pat
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