Re: Cripple the Base Floppy ??? (was: New way to install.. was Re: another mod...)

From: Gerrit Lammert ([email protected])
Date: Tue Dec 19 2000 - 12:26:25 CET

Oh no, please everytime I wrote about this topic, I tried to make totally
clear, that this is just a suggestion (read my last lines).
A have absolutely no intetion to persuade anyone (especially Michele) to do

> > You are not transferring any intelligence, you are sharing ist ;-)
> ^^^
> Besides from that smiley, are trying to discuss or to /persuade/ here?

First of all, I'm just talking about the script that setup the addons, none
of the other rustic replacements. They MUST (thats kind of persuasion ;-) )
stay at the first floppy.
The sentence above is probably misunderstood because of my incorrect
english. I meant:
IF Michele WOULD place the mentioned scripts to the add-ons, it would would
not be at all less intelligent. Thats why I told that story about a team.
I thought that it would be clear, that everything I write only can be my
opinion and so a suggestion. Who am I to try to persuade someone or
something. I have no active part in muLinux and therefor absolutely no right
to persuade something!
The smiley is because that sentence sounds kind of patetic to me

> this happens each year: every year we once or twice face somebody
> bringing his/her really strong arguments for changing the way muLinux
> is designed and crippleing the Base Floppy.

It wasn't my proposal in first place. I just tried to make clear what
(always only in my opinion) would be better and what would be worse.
And I think every Linux-Gnu-Open Source project lives because of user
feedback and suggestion.

> You are not right with that 'not' above.
> Your proposal means in reallity thyt the Base Floppy will not be such
> a powerfull tool anymore after that 'intellicence sharing' process
> has been applied.
> I do not know about the others but I do NOT WANT to get a muLinux
> that fits best for people looking for a Mini-Distro to be installed
> on low-ressource machines WHEN this means the Base Floppy seeing
> loosing even more of its functionallity!

After all its just the add-on-description, there will be more free space to
add something new.

> Bring your arguments for this but - please - do not try to persuade
> us by telling nice stories about a team and its leader and so on!

I have to argue and bring arguments now because I feel completely
misunderstood by you :-(

> There is a group of add-ons - NOT a team of players!

It was an metaphor about how *I* see it and how it *could* be. Not how it
*should* or even *must* be!

> If the Base Floppy will stop being that extremely usefull tool that
> it is today you will loose many the 'hard core users' who want to
> use muLinux as a TOOL - not as an easy to install Mini-Distri for
> their 486 machines.
> You further say:
> > It covers know the space between strictly single-disk distros
> > and real big ones.
> That is ONE way you can see it.
> Another way is that you see it being a great 1-disk Linux tool
> with the *option* to be enhanced by using the add-ons.

What will be lost, if the base-floppy is stripped of the
It has just the same funcionality. There is just some KB more free disk
space and therefor the description of the add-ons missing.

> I don't like the idea of this *option* having converted into a *must*.

I don't know why you did understand me that way :-((

> > By the way, I DO reinstall my windows and linux every few month,
> > just to get rid of the things I once used, then forgot and now
> > don't need anymore.
> ???
> You are just kidding here?

No, but you forgot the two smileys (I use them much too often by the way). I
well know, that this is not the way its meant and that it should be the
highest goal to have a well running system for a very long time.
You also forgot, that I said I do the reinstalling, because I like it. But
that is way out of topic.

I'm sorry, if someone might have had the impression that I'm triing to force
Let me say that this is absolutely not my intetion!!



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