Re: suggested add-ons

From: Jochen Cichon ([email protected])
Date: Mon Dec 18 2000 - 15:08:48 CET

> > 4. Office add on (with text editor, spreadsheet, etc.)
> I have siag-office on my hard disk, but I doesn't work with muLinux (I think
> it has something to do with fonts....)
> > The office add on is more a luxury thing, and I am afraid it can be
> > too big. Besides, I doubt that a secretary will be very happy using
> > muLinux for her office platform - "Where is Word?!!"
> Siag is only 1.5MB gziped and It has got Text editor, spreadsheet and an
> animaton making program...

Hm, TextEditor VI :) and what about SC (SpreadSheet for Console !) sc ca. 250k

OK no, just joking. I don't know SIAG.
Can u tell me where to find ? Tnx.


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