Re: mu SETUP

From: Bob Romprey ([email protected])
Date: Fri Dec 15 2000 - 02:23:18 CET

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) An ext2 partition although a bit "trickier???" to setup, would be virtually invisable from DOS.(except under fdisk)
On these machines the DOS "fdisk" executable could be removed thus making Dos unable in almost any way of destroying the ext2 partition.
I'd most heartily recommend though making the "names" of the different Boot choices under lilo simple one letter names, lest users while not paying attention let most of their time slip by.*grin*


>Reply-To: [email protected]
>Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 21:40:02 +0100
>From: Maxim Belooussov <[email protected]>
>To: Christian Bourgeois <[email protected]>
>Subject: Re: mu SETUP
>Hello Christian,
>Thursday, December 14, 2000, 7:06:40 PM, you wrote:
>CB> Hi everybody.
>CB> This is my first message on the forum, so I hope everything will go fine !
>CB> It'll be very helpfull, as I'm going to install it on about 25 computers !!!
>CB> Also, is there any way to protect the "C:\LINUX" from being modified when in
>CB> DOS mode ?
>It may be a good idea to install it in loop-ext2 then - a loop
>partition will be much harder to fiddle with. Or a separate partition
>ext2 would be nice, too, because some say it's much faster then
>umsdos partition. Of course, it is much trickier to set up.
>Best regards,
> Maxim mailto:[email protected]
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