Re: another mod...

From: Jochen Cichon ([email protected])
Date: Thu Dec 14 2000 - 13:24:41 CET

> This has been discussed earlier. In fact, putting all the setup stuff on the first
> disk ease Michele's life a lot. And removing it doesn't lead to a significant
> space gain. You can test it : remove all the and setup.cnf unrelated to
> the first floppy, you don't gain a lot.

I didn't mean SETUP. I think off the config files in /etc/ for example,
or some scripts (and some links) which can only be started if there is the
SRV and/or WKS Addon installed.
And in that case we don't need that scritp (because we can't start it)
So we can replace it by another script we (might) need.

Sure it's not the MEGAspace we earn. But mostly (for scripties..) we don't need
MUCH space. only a bit.

I'll give that a try at home :) looking what scripts that are and where we can
move them. Maybe today.

Ciao... Jochen

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