Re: To refuse going to Firenze???

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Wed Dec 06 2000 - 18:34:32 CET

On Wed, Dec 06, 2000 at 12:55:19PM +0000, José Luis Gómez Dans nicely wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 05, 2000 at 06:52:41PM +0100, Michele Andreoli wrote:
> > France or in the USA a meeting is a real thing, but in Italy
> > meething always resolve in "caffe' e pasticcini" :-)
> Could we have some pasticcini stremed over? Making me hungry :-)

Unfortunately, isn't possible!

> > to see that! My argument is muLinux.
> That'll be an interesting situation. I'd be interested to know
> what you are going to tell non-illuminati about mu.

A kind of problem, that. Mulinux itself can generate interest only
in the linux-fan, i.e. a person which tried -at least once- to configure
its sendmail using M4 and so on.

For this kind of person I will show how scalable is Linux, using
muLinux, going from the single floppy-disk until a complete system
with more pluggin disks.

After that, I will run my incredible personal copy of muLinux:
a CDROM bootable, will all the published muLinux, and the addition
of a single enourmous addon of 500Mega living in the CDROM.
This demonstration will shows that Linux can run off a totally
read-only media (inusual in Microsoft products).

The super-addon contains:

        - the SVGA X server
        - XFCE Window Manager (the best WM, in my opinion)
        - Netscape 3.0
        - GTK+ and GNOME support
        - GNOME Mixer and GNOME Gnomba network browser
        - Ghostscript and Ghostview
        - xv
        - StarOffice 5.2
        - S. Wolfram Mathematica 3.0 for Linux (Student Lincense)

> > I will affirm that FreeSoftware is less stable of PaidSoftware,
> > because the second is based on the money, and the first is based
> > on the ... love?
> If only Brooke Shields wanted to develop software for me...



In summing up, I wish I had some kind of affirmative message to leave
you with, I don't. Would you take two negative messages? - Woody Allen
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