Re: To trash the FAQ?

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Thu Nov 30 2000 - 20:56:48 CET

On Thu, Nov 30, 2000 at 06:32:17PM +0100, mek nicely wrote:
> > So I ask now for your opinions: does it is better to remove the FAQ
> > at all, from the site? Or is it amendable?
> the FAQ looks pretty OK. it's even funny!
> maybe you can specify the crticism, so we could discuss about it?

This is a taste:

I can almost guarantee that you
probably won't be able to make good progress with muLinux. Judging by your
documentation and difficult-to-use faq, I think that not many people will
want to use muLinux.

... Because English
appears to not be your first language, it is important that you let
somebody take care of the English documentation ....


So, muLinux received more appreciation when was without FAQ!


In summing up, I wish I had some kind of affirmative message to leave
you with, I don't. Would you take two negative messages? - Woody Allen
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