Re: Install to HD

From: Vesa-Pekka Palmu ([email protected])
Date: Thu Nov 30 2000 - 20:15:28 CET

> The mulinux web page states that installation directly to
> a HD is possible, but where are the instructions?

Using the boot.bat and selecting the option of cloning to a
UMSDOS partition.

First donload the mulinux-*.tgz and all the addons you want to
install, copy them to same directory (c:\mulinux is good) then go to
the dos mode (start-menu, shutdown, restart the computer in ms-
dos mode) go to the c:\mulinux directory using commands "c:"
"cd\" and "cd mulinux" type "boot" and follow the instructions)
Registered Linux user number 189403
Registered Linux machines 83873 & 83874

"We are the Windows. Your life as you knew it is over. Your biological and
technological identities will be removed from our own. stability is irrelevant.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated."

Vesa-Pekka Palmu AKA Depili
E-mail: [email protected]
ICQ#: 12379430

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