In case anyones interested:)

From: winsor SMP ([email protected])
Date: Tue Nov 28 2000 - 07:00:42 CET

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) greetings,

I just grabbed "top" from an old Linux distribution(2.0.30), and copied it to
/usr/bin on a cloned muLinux 10.5 install.

It "sorta'" runs, showing cpu usage, load, and memory info.
And seems to refresh properly.
It does not show any proccesses although it does list how many and the status of proccesses.(active,sleeping,zombie) But no proccess list
I think this might be useful to anyone attempting to use muLinux as a server, as a "live" system monitor is very useful in this case.
Any interest in this???


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