From: winsor SMP ([email protected])
Date: Fri Nov 24 2000 - 06:32:11 CET
I deliberately tried to leave as "unconfigured" as possible,
My reasoning behind this was to attempt to alleviate problems arising from a misconfiguration pretaining to hardware and a possibly "hanging forever" system.
As I've stated before, I mistakenly forgot to "unconfigure" the PS/2 mouse, as I had to make sure X was working for our "point&click" friends out there. was never intended to be a "run out of the box" system,
but rather, a bandaid to fix the problems that several users had creating the diskette set. In that one "large" zip file could be downloaded and unzipped as per my "rustic instructions" and then could be configured (setup). Merely skipping the diskette set creation proccess.
I had thought that I had made myself quite clear in earlier postings to this mailing list, and if not, even more clear in the text that users were asked to read "before" downloading
If I have presented as anything other than that I apologize.
>Reply-To: [email protected]
>Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 14:01:21 +0100
>From: Michele Andreoli <[email protected]>
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: Re: available now for testing only
>On Thu, Nov 16, 2000 at 07:16:36AM -0500, BOB GOODWIN nicely wrote:
>> It needs more configuration, ppp-on started a connect
>> sequence of some sort but it never went anywhere, just dots
>> slowly marching across the screen. I listened on line but
>> there was just dial tone. I'll give that further attention
>> but it may never work, AT&T uses CHAP and that waas really
>> finicky to get working in Linux all though they do provide a
>> script for ppp-on!
>Please: enable the syslogd and look in the file /var/log/ppp.log
>> The other thing is the difference in commands from Red Hat
>> that I', accustomed to, mount /cdrom instead of mount
>> /dev/cdrom.
>It is the same think, because in /etc/fstab we have
> /dev/cdrom /cdrom .....
>> Your 17 meg version could almost work "out of the box" with
>> a little more configuration. Unfortunately here it's not
>> very standard since I don't use the ttyS0 ps/2 mouse
>> connection.
>But, please! Reconfigure your port with "setup -f port", than
>SAVE you profile with "setup -s lock". You are a very unwilling user!
>I you are so lazy, let me know the time/date when you connect to Internet,
>and will do that for you I self, remotely, using telnet.
>In summing up, I wish I had some kind of affirmative message to leave
>you with, I don't. Would you take two negative messages? - Woody Allen
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