Re: some reports and files

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Wed Nov 22 2000 - 14:20:43 CET

On Wed, Nov 22, 2000 at 01:36:32PM +0100, Dumas Patrice nicely wrote:
> I tried 11r1, it works well on my computer. I think the bug is fixed now ?

The bug was only for cloned UMSDOS: noone adviced me of this evidence;
maybe, a games to test my capabilities :-)
The bug DO NOT APPAIRS if you use the floppy version.

> I think also that the tmp ressource should be automatically configured. Too
> much things rely on it. But I also suggest that it remains a setup
> ressource, so that it is possible to change it's size after installation.

Yes. With 11.x tmp is foundamental: /var/log and /var/spool are now
potential very populated, so they are moved in a separated ramdisk.

> The dialog feature is really nice.
> I ask for a new profile : when I test something I changed with muLinux, I
> only setup some critical things :
> usr, keymap (fr in my case), (and tmp...). Maybe you should add such a
> profile ? Or maybe I could try myself, if you think it is a good feature.

I added only some example, in order to test&enhance my interface library
/etc/dialog.lib. May be, other dialogs may appairs in the future.
Be aware: the "text" counterpart still is available.
For example: the menu script uses only console text if you call with
"menu txt".


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