Re: The BUG!!!!

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Wed Nov 22 2000 - 08:51:13 CET

On Wed, Nov 22, 2000 at 12:41:58AM +0100, Arvid Nymoen nicely wrote:
> No, thank to you, really. I just found something missing, but did not know
> if that was THE bug.
> Now I have tried two times with success this metod of installation
> (deleting the direcory between tests):
> Starting in the DOS mulinux directory with only mulinux.tgz and WKS.tgz
> - booting (boot.bat); choosing to uncompress and install the image
> files in c:\linux
> - Booting (linux.bat) in c:\linux - but stopping in Maintainance mode.
> - Creating the directories /var/run and /varspool/mail. (I found that these
> two was enough.
> - "Exit " to get to the remaining part of the setup.
> No more hanging!

Thanks to this report I finally found the problem.

First of all: I never really understod that the problem was in
the DOS installer, UMSDOS flavor. So, I always tried to fix using
the RAM muLinux. I received other report about the bug, but a this
moment I CAN'T understand they found the bug also for ram-mulinux.

Ok, the problem is setup/tmp! This is the only setup that make the
difference from UMSDOS and RAM

                - Temporary (/tmp) file system -

If this is a system that run in RAM (i.e. a floppy system) you MUST
create the Temporary Ramdisk (the /tmp partition, fs ext2, max 4MB).

If this is a system that doesn't run in RAM (i.e. an UMSDOS or EXT2
system) you can safety answer "n".
        -- ramdisk size is detected with euristic.

You can remove the words "you can safety answer 'n'"; now to answer y
is compulsory, because a this setup is demanded important things
about /var/spool, not only the ramdisk creation.

Having now smail, you need of a such amount of work-space in /var/spool/smail,
because in this directory it store outgoing emails.
But /var is embedded in the root.gz disk, which is *full*.
For this raison, the "/var" directory is now a symlink to /tmp/var

The setup/tmp was introduced to left the user the choice of the ramdisk
size. In recent release, the size of the tmp ramdisk is managed
checking the available ram. A this point, because the answer "y" is
now compulsory, I will remove the setup *at all* and will add
a similar script in the pool of boot scripts /etc/rc.

In summing up, I wish I had some kind of affirmative message to leave
you with, I don't. Would you take two negative messages? - Woody Allen
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