Re: /proc and no disk write

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Fri Nov 17 2000 - 08:35:47 CET

On Fri, Nov 17, 2000 at 01:13:30PM +1100, Robert Heezeman nicely wrote:
> I have mulinux operating on an embedded 486 with
> COMPACT FLASH (flash disk) and I want to prevent
> writes to the Compact fLASH dISK HDD.
> Can anyone tell me how I can write this to RAM instead
> of HDD.

Very easy: create the directory /startup/init in your root (/)
filesystem in RAM. If Setup find this directory, it assume that
STARTUP is embedded in the filesystem, not in a separated disk.

You have to edit the source distribution, opening the file linuxrc
and putting the command "mkdir -p /startup/init" close to the top.

In this directory muLinux store/retreive its profile. But if you
put this dir in RAM, stored profiles aren't kept to next boot.



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