Re: Problems with website, was Re: Vs: Status report, progress, ...

From: BOB GOODWIN ([email protected])
Date: Wed Nov 15 2000 - 01:17:47 CET


I would simply like to know where to put my cursor and which
button to push to get to an "X11.tgz" file?

I have spent a lot of time messing with that page and it's
certainly not intuitive where the add-ons are concerned!
The basic muLinux stuff takes you directly to recognizable
files but so far I found nothing like that for the add-ons
except for the one site in Virginia which has two old files.
Other than that it just keeps taking me back to the html

Thank you.

Bob Goodwin - Durant, Florida

Red Hat Linux release 7.0
Kernel 2.2.16-22 i586

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