Re: Ease of installation

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Tue Nov 14 2000 - 15:10:29 CET

On Tue, Nov 14, 2000 at 02:25:31AM +0100, Angel Martin Alganza nicely wrote:
> >only *InstallerDisk*, who is 1440k, a normal DOS floppy disk.

This is recent, maybe in the 10.x series: the script is called makefd.bat,
and now it is called makefi.bat: "fi" stands for "floppy installer".

Too: muLinux support a (rarely used) feature: take a look to screen
in "mu -i". It offer you the change to try with TWO 1440 floppy disk,
one for BOOT-ROOT and another for USR only. An user in the past used
this "model" succesfully.

Very strange if you, Angel Martin, a man that explicitly declare to
read any docs, did'nt never noticed that!
But if your machine is unable to format just at 1440Kb, well: maybe, the
problem is at beginning and you aren't equipped with a PC/Intel
machine, or haven't floppy driver at all. Are you using an I-Mac? :-)

As far the installation in a not-connected machine is concerned,
why do not split all the muLinux archive using the multi-span
feature in the pkzip. I said that thousands and thousands times!


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