Re: Finished with WKS/SRV

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Sun Nov 12 2000 - 18:20:30 CET

On Sun, Nov 12, 2000 at 10:36:38AM -0500, [email protected] nicely wrote:
> In a message dated 11/12/00 4:09:30 AM Central Standard Time,
> [email protected] writes:
> >
> > Oh the other hand, "11" is so ugly. Can I jump silenty to 12r0? :-)
> >
> I must defend 11. 11 is not ugly. 11 is proof that we can count higher than
> our fingers, just as Linux is proof that computers can do better than the
> operating system that most computers are sold with. 11:11 11/11 is the time
> of the end of the Great War, the War to end War. 11/11 is celebrated in
> Canada and the USA as Rememberance Day and Veteran's Day, respectively. 11
> invites us to remember our past, and inspires us to do better in the future
> -- with Linux! :)

Ok, 11 may work: I wish not to be considered an insensitive person.

> Besides, "where's 11" will become the most FAQ of muLinux list. :(
> I should also note that this may be the first "full Unix" release that does
> not have any version of vi, if I understand correctly!

Dosn't muLinux have any version of vi? muLinux has "elvis-tiny"; this is
a vi clone. I don't know how much featured it is, because I never used
macros and other power vi tools. I only use: w,q,a,i,y,p and, whenever
it is possibile, I switch in command-mode with ":" to perform
replacemnts, etc.

>I am completely
> undecided whether that should be :) or :( as vim is my favorite text editor
> but I understand that those who have not used it for nearly twenty years
> might not have my love for it.

I have a VIM for libc5; it is about 200K. Elvis is only 60k. I if get
space, I can add VIM in the WKS, but it seems a such waste!

I prefer things such a ".wav -> .mp3" converter. I know only bladeenc,
but it come with restricted license and, also, I have no sources.


"I'd like to conclude with a positive statement, but I can't remember any.
Would two negative ones do?"			-- Woody Allen
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