RE: [email protected]: Re: Digital signature in muLinux - tests w anted

From: Angoli Giovanni ([email protected])
Date: Thu Nov 09 2000 - 18:16:37 CET

Hi Michele and mulinux-fans,

I've read your reply to my previous mail with attention and here's
my thought about it.
The mutt i checked is 1.2.4i and offers just a little part of what
you are planning/you've already done: mutt can send encrypt and
signed msgs, mail keys, extract keys from mail and mail your public
key to someone,save encrypted mails It doesn't deal with non-MIME
Knowing the new features you're about to add i agree that we can't
compare plain-mutt features with mu-mutt with PGP support mu-mutt
is far better than mutt-i.

Another thing comes to my mind.. in some country AFAIK encryption
is illegal ,France for example (correct me if i'm wrong), so there
might be problems for french user downloading mulinux with
encryption features.
This is the same problem that Linux kernel is facing, so vanilla
sources does not comes with encryption support but there are
patches on with the diffs that enable strong encryption.
What do you think? What impact on mulinux will result from this?
I don't know..

now a little italian part:
Ehm.. non e' che traduco insegnante supplente con newbie teacher..
e' che oltre ad essere supplente e' la prima volta che insegno
(ho 24 anni) ed oltretutto e' la mia ex scuola e insomma mi sento
ancora un poco spaesato.

Ok that's all, it's a fair long mail sorry for that :)


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