From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Wed Nov 08 2000 - 21:01:17 CET
On Wed, Nov 08, 2000 at 06:17:43PM +0100, Angoli Giovanni nicely wrote:
> Hello Michele, sorry for the ugly reply but i'forced to use
> Exchange via web.. :(
> As far as i know mutt comes in two flavours: US version (without
> support for PGP or Gnugp) and International version with full
> PGP and Gnpupg support.
> According do mutt help int this version there are almost all
> the macros you're reimplementing... i didn't checked on my Debian
> system but i think that mutt international will be in a NonUS
> repository.
I'm using on of the more recent release v1.0.1: they come with
full PGP support. I sail "PGP support", but I'm adding also a
full "Rustic PGP support" :-)
I short: I implemented - in smart way, I think - some other PGP-related
macro-menu. The most important is opened with the "k" key.
It present miscellaneus operations, not present in the standard PGP
menu you can see in the "compose menu".
Example: if I press "k" now, I will see that (but menu depend
from the context: pager, index, compose, etc)
-- (Rustic) Cryptographic Menu --
KEYS: e[x]tract-from [m]ail-to [g]enerate [r]emove [l]ist [c]heck-db
STORE: [es] encrypted-and-store
noMIME: [od] old-way-decrypt [oc] old-way-check-sign
q)uit :
Some operation is performed calling the standard Mutt support: for
example: [x] and [m], in this case.
But with the rustic menu, I can also [g]enerate news keys, or [l]ist
and [c]heck my database.
But I can also crypt/decrypt in the old-way fashion, i.e. without
to use the MIME/PGP headers (to deal with old mailer).
Finally, with the option [es] I can encrypt messages in my mailbox,
and save them in the mailbox called "encrypted".
Maybe, some of that features will be present in future Mutt release,
but I live now, so I like to implement it.
I also added a macro "alt-c" that allow to totally reconfigure mutt,
signature, POP3 support, etc.
My original Mutt only allow to sign/encrypt in the "compose menu".
Please, what Mutt release are you running?
> I know that you love to reimplement things in rustic (and romantic)
> way, and i like that approach.. but i think that reimplementing
> this kind of stuff is not worth the efforts.
Oh, this is the very first time that I will use the rustic material
also in my regular system, not only muLinux. In this case "rustic"
means only "hand-made", not shoddy. I'm using sources from
Debian 2.2, the most recent Debian system.
If I learn enough about Mutt's macros, I can turn this mailer in
a sort of OS user interface.
> Talking about PGP, why not using the GNU alternative Gnupg? it
> works exactly like PGP and is able to use/import keys from PGP.
> It's just a suggestion :)
A did an attempt, but gnupg refuse to compile con my libc5.
> The last thing i have to say is that i'm a newbie teacher of
> computer science in a local high school
> <italian> sono un supplente
> di informatica in un istituto tecnico per ragionieri, corso
> programmatori Mercurio </italian>
Tu "insegnante supplente" lo traduci con "newbie teacher"?
E' uno scherzo? Spesso i supplenti sono ancora piu' bravi.
>and i will teach Linux at the
> fifth class using Mulinux :) because in the lab we only have
> Windows 95 machines and Mu is perfect thanks to his ability to be
> inobtrusive :))
This fact remember a something ....
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