From: Eugene TS Wong ([email protected])
Date: Wed Nov 08 2000 - 11:07:09 CET
--- Michele Andreoli <[email protected]> wrote:
> Did'nt you read the homepage at all, ok. muLinux kernel support PLIP and
> come with a complete setup for PLIP connection.
Yes, and no. Yes, I read it, but no, I didn't read carefully. I skimmed
through and didn't see it until I used the "Find" feature of my web
browser. That is why I felt so embarrassed to see it at the top of the
list! B^) Therefore, I sincerely ask everybody to forgive me. Seriously.
> You can found RedHat 4.2 here:
Sincerely, and with thanks,
Eugene Wong
personal site:
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