Re: An ambitious idea

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Tue Nov 07 2000 - 08:28:59 CET

On Mon, Nov 06, 2000 at 11:10:05PM +0100, Dumas Patrice nicely wrote:

> > with a simple "cp -a" command.
> > Think about: in order to minimize errors in this crucial step (the most
> > part of malfunctions in new releases gets generated here) in the 10.x
> > series I moved in /setup the most part of mu-specific stuff, in the
> > hope to trasfer with "cp -a /setup".
> You don't use mu -r ? Maybe the mu -r should be enhanced, so that it automatically copy the files from your
> tree/setup to the correct place, based on the same parsing done for depandancies checking that I advocated ?

Yes, I use "mu -r" when doing the distributed archives, but I have to
upgrade the tree/ directory with the new material from the dev-muLinux ext2fs,
isn't true? Thus, I have to copy carefully any modified files.

> > What will happens if, some some raison, I decide to change something
> > in the Setup command, etc: I have to *upload* all the addons???
> Yes ! ;-). Well, if you use a modem, and if the phone is as costly as it is in France, surely this kind of
> consideration is the better one !

Phone cost in Italy is a the top of the category, in Europe.

> Something totally unrelated, maybe you should put nfs server stuff in the SRV addon ?

I can, sure. But NFS is so strictly UNIX feature! The muLinux maim goal is
to dialog with other Win* machine, and Microsoft do not support NFS,
or I'm wrong?


"I'd like to conclude with a positive statement, but I can't remember any.
Would two negative ones do?"			-- Woody Allen
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