Re: An ambitious idea

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Mon Nov 06 2000 - 13:53:04 CET

On Mon, Nov 06, 2000 at 12:30:19PM +0100, Dumas Patrice nicely wrote:
> >
> > The most import variables are ACTION= (a bad name: should be STATUS),
> > and VAR_LIST.
> >
> > So, what is static?
> IMO, static info is
> dynamic info is ACTION, and all the parameters.

Well, it is possible to create a new directory /setup/str and to
move static info in separated files, but this do not help in
developing, because I often may introduce a new kind of bug
related to "dangling variable reference", etc.

The /setup/cnf is compressd before to be copied on the floppy-disk;
the compressor works better on this kind of redoundancy, so
it is difficult to achieve significant advantage.

> >
> > What's the problem in seeing this directories in the top hierarchy?
> Again, it is my point of view, but for me the top-level directory is here to
> organize the filesystem, so that every directory in the top directory refers to a specific kind of stuff.
> But it is true that it is a matter of point of view !

Mulinux deviate for the pure-Unix hierarchy structure in more serious
point. Did You forget the /setup directory, such mu-specific?!
As far mount point are concerned, we can almost a big Linux distros
that complaint with /cdrom etc: GNU Debian.

Ehy, guy! I hate enough to have to write "mount /a" when I wish to
open the floppy-disk: to write "mount /mnt/floppy" is too also for me.
I choose the name "/a", "/c" of "/cdrom" in order to help users
coming from DOS.

> I think you didn't understood my point of view. Well, I reread myself, it is
> because I never explained it ;-). I am not arguing about the addons themselves
> (like GCC, TEX, ....) but about the ressources located on the addons, like
> dosemu, syslogd, nokia, and so on. I think the related and nokia.cnf,
> and so on could reside on the addons themselves, but not the, GCC.cnf that
> still are on the root.gz.

Ah, this is different thing. [Of course, part of this discussion between
me ad You may be faq'ed in some way]
To keep all configuration script in a single directory help me MUCH when
I develope or improve. I do that in EXT2 cloned muLinux; when finished,
I copy the "developement directory" /setup/fun in the distribution directory,
with a simple "cp -a" command.
Think about: in order to minimize errors in this crucial step (the most
part of malfunctions in new releases gets generated here) in the 10.x
series I moved in /setup the most part of mu-specific stuff, in the
hope to trasfer with "cp -a /setup".

What will happens if, some some raison, I decide to change something
in the Setup command, etc: I have to *upload* all the addons???
So, you well understand, this kind of choices aren't foundamental,
but simply matter of convenience.

You arguments are exacts, but in a world where a lot of contributors
and mantainers take responsability about any single components and its
installer scripts.


"I'd like to conclude with a positive statement, but I can't remember any.
Would two negative ones do?"			-- Woody Allen
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