Wine (Was: A bug in ...)

From: Arvid Nymoen ([email protected])
Date: Sun Oct 29 2000 - 14:53:08 CET

Thank you for this information on Wine. I did not know that it could
already be used for such big projects. Some years from now perhaps
linux will a good choice for a larger percentage of the average computer

At 23:54 28.10.00 +0200, Jef wrote:
>Quotation from:
>Q. Why is Corel using Wine to port WordPerfect® Office 2000 and Corel
>graphics applications to Linux? A. Wine allows us to quickly migrate our
>Windows applications to Linux. Porting our applications using a native
Linux >windowing toolkit such as {HYPERLINK ""}Qt
or >{HYPERLINK ""}GTK+ would be a huge undertaking
requiring >many years of development. Wine has allowed us to move our
major applications >to Linux in a matter of months. At the same time, it
provides good >performance and integration with other Linux applications.
>:End Quotation.
>Cheers, Jef

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