Re: Music with sb64pci?

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Tue Sep 26 2000 - 22:39:46 CEST

On Tue, Sep 26, 2000 at 07:04:39PM +0200, Gerrit Lammert nicely wrote:
> Hi Michele,
> > The pain is to listen mp3 from pc speaker.
> yes, I know, I just thought it would be easy to "redirect" mp3s to that
> built-in sound-out-of-the-speaker-device. Just for the fun of it, not to
> make a machine for partymusic. I think it would be a funny (nevertheless
> nonesense) feature of mulinux, as the supported sb16-isa-device is diing
> out...
> But if that is a deep manipulation of the system, forget about it... :-)

To support all drivers is not the main goal. This is the Linux main goal.
The main goal in muLinux is to achieve some result in inusual way,
learning something, employing (if possible) the mind, not the compiler.
The portable system is only a "by-product" of the whole thing.
I know, that'is difficult to accept for someone. MuLinux is, and should
remains, a little laboratory where to experiment fancy scripts and tricks.

The best examples (almost a paradigm) is the SB patch idea, by
M. Angel: the sound.o module comes with IRQ and IOBASE cabled in it;
the trick, in this case, had been to peek & poke some byte in the
file itself, first of loading it in the kernel.

That is what I call 'inspiring'; to compile and send you the n-th
sound module is not inspiring, but a pure time-wasting, from my
point of view.

I'd like to conclude with a positive statement, but I can't 
remember any. Would two negative ones do?       -- Woody Allen
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