Re: Mu binaries

From: Alias|Wavefront User ([email protected])
Date: Mon Sep 25 2000 - 11:39:46 CEST


On Sun, 24 Sep 2000, Ondrej Kavka wrote:

> Is there a HOWTO for mu binaries compilation? I would like a short guide
> how to make a 100% running application on mu and all my attempts were
> unsuccessful. I have access to a RedHat system where I can install
> anything I want.. What to I need to create libc5 binaries?
> Ondrej (download mu 10 and hoping for a better tomorrow :)

There is no muLinux compiling HOWTO that I know of....

I saw Michele's post as to the reasons for libc5, and have to agree with
the general philosophy. I like muLinux because it is small, quick and
unburdened by useless stuff. MuLinux is great for embedded applications
which is where I use it mostly.

By way of a bit of help....

My libc5 development system is Debian 1.3, which I run in a VMware 'box'
(, along with another VMware Redhat install (6.2) for when
things just HAVE to be libc6! ;^) That way I have 3 systems in 1 and I
keep my main workstation 'clean' and free of library problems! Only
drawback is VMware doesn't like the extended floppy format used by the
muLinux install disks, well not on my system anyway

One resource I find very useful for libc5 binaries (saved me heaps of
work) is the redhat libc5 contrib mirrors

Also, this may be helpful if you _have_ to set up a libc5 environment on a
recent ReadHat installation that uses libc6

I haven't tried this one, use at your own risk!

I prefer Debian 1.3 for development as it's a clean libc5 system but
sometimes that can be a handicap due to it's age...if anyone has a libc5
version of the lcdproc (LCD display panel) binaries?, it would save me
HEAPS of work!


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