Fwd: RE: Installation probs

From: NINAD BAPAT ([email protected])
Date: Thu Sep 21 2000 - 18:58:28 CEST

Please can someone help me.

> Hi
> I have tried the commands given by you (below) and
> uncompressed
> EXT.tgz by hand. The EXT add-on has been
> successfully installed. Thanks for
> this.
> You can test EXT integrity by yourself.
> 3) Ok, test the integrity:
> # bzip2 -vt EXT.tgz
> 4) Ok, now uncompress by hand:
> # cat EXT.tgz | bzip2 -ds | (cd / ; tar -xvf- )
> (please, no error here!)
> Questions
> 1. Your homepage says that "Do not uncompress by
> hand the images an
> add-ons". What would be the consequence if this is
> done. Would it not work
> properly? Also I have downloaded PERL.tgz from your
> site. Can it be
> decompressed by hand.
> 2. After installing the EXT add-on by hand I started
> Linux once again.
> I asks for the login mulinux login:
> I typed root here. It directly went to #root
> prompt.
> I added my name and password (adduser) as ninad and
> logged in
> It directly goes to #home/ninad. Is this correct?
> Previously it used
> to go to the bash prompt #
> 3 How do I use lynx to log on to the net. I use a
> dial-up connection
> with a 14.4kbps internal modem?
> 4 How do I play mp3 songs through mulinux?. I tried
> it by running the
> following command
> mpg123 -os (path to my mp3 file)
> I have a Yamaha Sound card and external speakers.
> The effect of the above command is that
> I get a sound from the speaker i.e the song is
> played for just 2-5
> seconds and then blank? W hy?
> Can any other mp3player for Linux be used
> Could someone help me with the above questions.
> Thanks and regards
> Ninad
> [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>

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