Re: Com2 to com3 link; c++

From: Mark Walton ([email protected])
Date: Thu Sep 07 2000 - 16:50:10 CEST

Hi Jef. Hi all.

Jef, a possible workaround/solution.

Assuming the Pentium is running Win 9x I believe I have a piece of
freeware/public domain software to run on this machine which can *redirect*
from e.g. com3 to com2.

It allows a Palm OS Handheld to make a serial connection to Windows box and
use this machine's modem as an external device.

Your problem _sounds_ similar so let me know and I'm sure I can dig this
software out.

The following _feels_ right but due to my current mental state (see below) I
may have dreamt it ...

Using Windows' Hyperterminal

Linux box connects to Windows box via serial line.
The Windows box has a TCP/IP stack which is bound to com<where serial cable
plugged in>
Windows box has another TCP/IP stack bound to com<where modem is logically

Windows Network settings would include something resembling this:
    Dial-Up Adapter
    Dial-Up Adapter #2
    TCP/IP -> Dial-Up Adapter
    TCP/IP -> Dial-Up Adapter #2

I'm afraid this is vague due to my working night-shifts with accompanying
sleep deprivation; a one-way ticket to temporary psychosis.

If you're looking for a solution which does not utilise Windows I shall have
to rethink. However, using Gates' OS as nothing more than a glorified set
of modem drivers has a peverse appeal.

Regards to all.

----- Original Message -----
From: Jef <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2000 12:20 PM
Subject: Com2 to com3 link; c++

> Dear friends,
> Here's a question to some of you who are very good in writing
> scripts and tiny programms:
> I would like to use muLinux for e-mail and browsing the web,
> however, I have only a winmodem in my pentium computer.
> Now I've installed muLinux on a 386 and I would like to use the
> serial connection to the com2 (on my pentium) to use as a external
> modem in muLinux.
> My winmodem is, when emuleted in a dosbox, on com3, wich
> cannot be changed.
> A little programm for this dosbox could take the input from com2
> and send it to com3. This would surely make it possible for me to
> use my modem with muLinux.
> If anyone can volonteer to help, please send a reply.
> Greetings, Jef Knoors
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