Re: Fdisk error

From: [email protected]
Date: Tue Sep 05 2000 - 19:31:59 CEST

In a message dated 9/5/00 12:10:13 PM Central Daylight Time, [email protected]

> On my laptop I have this mu 9R5 installation, disk with following
> partitions 1 Primary (/dev/hda1 housing dos and thinkpad utilities),
> 1 Extended (/dev/hda2) in wich are: two ŽLinux-native pratitions
> (/dev/hda5 & /dev/hda6) one linix-swap (/dev/hda3)
> The proplem is that fdisk reports partitions that are on the extended
> partition incorrectly, it says that they are /dev/hda5 & /dev/hda6.
> The kernel gives out correct partition information at boot time, my
> root is on /dev/hda5 (wich doen't exist acording to fdisk...) and my
> /home is on /dev/hda6

My first question is "what happened to hda4?" (Used to hold the extended
partition table, IIRC)

Second question is "what's the conflict -- both say hda5 & hda6?"
Third question is "what, exactly, does fdisk say about all of the partitions?"


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