Just some suggestions about futere features

From: Vesa-Pekka Palmu ([email protected])
Date: Tue Sep 05 2000 - 19:08:24 CEST

1. I would like to see a version number on each addon, This would
help maintaining a up-to-date system

2. "setup speed" this script would read all the configuration files of
addons and create rc.4 and rc.5 files so that they would no longer
require setup calls (for HD mu) I think this type of a scrip would be
quite easy to create. I hevve done this manualy for my mu

3. Verify mu packets and cheack that they contain up-to-date
versions of the addons (I know that I donloaded a old EXT-addon
with 9r5 last summer)

4. Edit the liloconfig script, it has some error and I would like that it
would use /dev/hda as default installation place, and it also gives
error "open dev/hda : no such file or directory" [well the file is there]
and umount: /dev/hda5: device is busy"

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Vesa-Pekka Palmu AKA Depili
E-mail: [email protected]
ICQ#: 12379430

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