From: [email protected]
Date: Mon Sep 04 2000 - 10:41:19 CEST
A script to do this would actually defeat it's own purpose because
ping with the appropriate options and redirection to an output file would
do the same thing...Though you'd have to convert the duration by hand
expressed in means of a count.
Of course, if you really wanted, here's a basic script that'd do the
# Syntax: myping <host> <duration> <interval> <file>
ping -c $[$2/$3] $1 > $4
I don't guarentee the script works, as I haven't tested it.
--Ian Elliot
On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Bill wrote:
> I'm trying to write a basic script that will ping a host for a specific time
> frame
> and with user set intervals and pipe the output to a file... something like
> myping [host] [duration minutes] [interval seconds] [output - path and file
> name]
> example > myping -host -duration 60 -interval 60 -file
> /tmp/pinglog.txt
> where host is the ip address of the target, duration is the time for the
> script to run, interval is the number of seconds between pings, output is
> the directory and file name to pipe the output too.
> I'm not having much luck as my scripting is basic enough, so I thought
> I'd ask you guys....
> Bill
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