From: Dumas Patrice ([email protected])
Date: Wed Aug 30 2000 - 16:16:43 CEST
> > in info() : "to configure routing statically, choose an interface and choose address
> > that are to be reached via this interface"
> In or Is it better in,, etc ?
Yeah, but in those one, you should only configure "classical" routes, that is a network
for eth, a point to point connection for plip or ppp. I think it is confusing if you can
setup a network with a plip interface, or a point to point route with an ethernet
interface (I took that point of view from someone, I think you...).
I think it is conceptually good to separate the routing problem and the interface setup
problem, for the non trivial routing.
> > ROUTES="iface1:address iface1:net:netmask iface2:net:netmask....."
> The array problem.
That is resolved how ?
> With the set of values relative to any interface, I can ask the user
> if defaultroute and gateway is belong this interface.
Why not setup that in the common networking stuff ?
> A this point,
> rounting is stoppend with normal start/stop Setup functions.
It is not what I wanted to say : in the actual muLinux, the routes are not deleted. (need
something like
#route del x.x.x.x dev interface
Not really annoying, though, as the interfaces are taken down.
> Summarizing (please help me):
> addr? network? defaultroute? (peer?)
depending on the interface
eth : addr, network, netmask
plip and ppp : addr, addr of the other side, name of the other side (the pair to go to
> nameserver?,hostname?,dhcp? (/etc/hosts, /etc/resolv.conf, etc)
and the gateway.
and additionnal routes (or maybe this in another fun dedicated to routing).
> Mmm .. I think /etc/net.conf should be eliminated: it make confusion.
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