From: Vesa-Pekka Palmu ([email protected])
Date: Wed Aug 30 2000 - 09:09:56 CEST
> On Tue, Aug 29, 2000 at 07:10:30PM +0300, Vesa-Pekka Palmu nicely wrote:
> > On 29 Aug 00, at 10:04, Michele Andreoli wrote:
> >
> > > This incredible german guy wrote JOE in assembler!
> >
> > Well I just CAN'T understand you GPL guys! You write incredible
> > software without any financical gain in mind.... All really great
> > software that I have seen have been freeware or under some open-
> > source license.
> >
> "Without financial gain in mind" is exact, but the GPL guys work
> requires the rarest fuel available in the world; more, more than
> simple money, mon ami: the universal love and the admiration
> by the users! I know a couple of companies I quitted, because of
> this misunderstanting: they demanded my work, understiming my
> feeling about my ego.
> I think, the GPL developer is more similar to a writer or a poet:
> it only requires, as reward, to be not forgotten. Money is very
> secondary question (as first, very first approximation).
> They have only a known defect: they write only the code they like.
> A relevant question. What you think?
Well I think that world would be much better place if we alll were
like you. I can't say how much I like you guys and gals making the
(computer) world much happier place. I also think that everyone
should do what they really desire (not to break the law of course)
because when a human does what he/she likes then there is a
great chance that he/she will ge really good at it too.
And I can't think of a greater revard than someone comming to me
and saying "Hey that was great work man" or something like that.
It just gives you the warm feeling of being great at something.
Ofcourse on-one can live in this capitalistic world without any
money, so they have to get some financical support too, that's pity.
This money problem feeds itself all the time. IMO money was the
worst invetion in mankinds history (well maybe weapons are the
worst and then the money)
Well, seem to me that this message has gone a litle of topic, but
"We are the NORN. Your life as you knew it is over. Your biological and
technological identities will be added to our own. Bibble is irrelevant.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated."
Vesa-Pekka Palmu AKA Depili
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