Re: plip with mulinux

From: Dumas Patrice ([email protected])
Date: Fri Aug 25 2000 - 15:34:58 CEST

Sven Conrad a écrit :

> Hi all
> As written before, I have plip fun/cnf files.
> I'am not sure, how usefull they are, but may be a startingpoint for
> others. They work fine for me.


> I would like to here more. I allways cry out, what others
> want to do with plip.

I want to have two pc linked with plip, because I have only one screen, but 2
displays (keyboard + mouse). On the pc with the screen, there is a full linux,
so an X server will be running here, and so the other pc, running mulinux could
share the same screen as an X client.

plip is running on the 2 computers, but ping doesn't work. In fact I don't know
wether my cable is a null cable or not. I have this cable because I have an
external cdrecorder, and this is the cable used for it. Does someone know if it
is a null cable ?

My other problem is that I only have on screen for 2 computers... It's quite
hard to guess what is happening on the one without screen... Hopefully I can
play paganini and piano on the mu computer, so I am gonna do a musical mu. For
that, I have to be able to redirect stdout and stederr to a wrapper. Does
someone know how to do that ? Have I to use C for that ? And is there an
example of such programm. (I will copy Michele's piano for the input).

> What I'am doing is very specific. I want to
> have a mulinx box to be my gateway from plip to eth0. So
> I allso setup masqurading. This may be not so common.
> Please let me know, what you plan or do right now.

I would like to do a more generic plip setup. In fact I think the better would
be to add a method in the network setup, in addition to pcmcia and ethernet. I
took some of your config and added it to, and network.cnf. I will
join the files after the test.

another remark about the following line :
prompt PLIP_PORT "$PLIP_PORT" "Enter linux paralel port (0, 1, 2)"

I don't think it is a good way to do, as it is the kernel that says what number
it is. So I think a better way would be to do something like: (taken from a
Michele's script).
save=$IFS; IFS=:
set -- `dmesg | grep '^plip\?'`

Well, that's what I did...

I add the same problem than another person on the list with mu -r, complaining
about a problem with mk2fs. I passed by... Testing now.


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