Re: unpacking & rebuilding

From: Alain EMPAIN ([email protected])
Date: Sun Aug 20 2000 - 09:15:08 CEST

Thanks for your advice, Larry, but even doing a unpack/rebuild (mu -u; mu
-r) without changing anything gives the same errors. In fact I had removed
all the unneeded modules to recover some place.


On Sat, 19 Aug 2000, Larry Platzek wrote:

|The question is why you did not remove some ethernet modules
|so you will have room for your new module? I have no idea
|how much room you need, but you can see how big the new module is
|and remove at least that much room.
|Larry Platzek [email protected]
|On Sun, 20 Aug 2000, Alain EMPAIN wrote:
|> Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 02:05:14 +0200 (CEST)
|> From: Alain EMPAIN <[email protected]>
|> Reply-To: [email protected]
|> To: [email protected]
|> Subject: unpacking & rebuilding
|> Hello,
|> I am trying to insert a new module (via-rhine.o) in the mulinux
|> distribution 9r5 or 9r1.
|> The './mu -u' works well, I can unpack the module package, insert the new
|> one, repack this module, but...
|> When I rebuild the distribution with './mu -r', I receive a lot of error
|> messages (see in annex); the newly created floppy boots but stops with
|> ext2 errors.
|> Ever more, if I start again on a new distribution (after a 'rm -R *' ), I
|> can try './mu -u' but an immediate './mu -r' presents the same symptoms,
|> and I have do nothing but rebuilding just after the unpacking.

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