Re: [mu SETUP] - Getting the network up..

From: Sven Conrad ([email protected])
Date: Thu Jul 13 2000 - 11:34:01 CEST

Hi Kasper

Kasper Engberg wrote:
> Well I don't know how to check if the PCMCIA card is working, but it's
> working in Win95 and I tried setting it up with "PCMCIA" which seems to run
> ok. Unfortunetly I don't know either what an eth-device is... If it's a link
> to a server - then there is one...!

Uffff. This seems to become hard work.

You allready know, that wether DOS nor WIN/xx Card-Managers will work on
Linux? ;-)

Or more seriouse, what do you allready know about Linux/Un*x ? Have you
ever read any Howto or other doc about?

What do you know about IP-Networks?

And to come forth a liddle bit: please send me the kernel boot messages!

You can do " cat /proc/kmsg > bootmsg_for_sven.txt" in the home-dir.
send this file to me (PM: [email protected])

I'am sorry to tell you, setup PCMCIA can be a liddle tricky on Linux. At
it has been allways for me, because of wrong interrupt assingments.


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