Re: [mu SETUP] - Getting the network up..

From: Sven Conrad ([email protected])
Date: Tue Jul 11 2000 - 13:00:11 CEST

Hi Kasper

There is a general problem: YOU have to tell us the problem.
I don't like to say this, but nobody can help without information.
So tell us as much as you can about what is running, what is not and
what are the messages! Then there is a good chance for help here.

To give you a hind:

is PCMCIA installed?
is PCMCIA working?
PCMCIA detect this card? (configure info?)
is there a eth device? (ifconfig ?)


Kasper Engberg wrote:
> I seem to be unable to get anything working that has anything to do with
> networking....
> I have a laptop 386 (I thought, though muLinux tells me it's a 486) with a
> PCMCIA-ethernet card. But I don't have the sligthest idea of how to make it
> work (I know it works in windows).
> I have the EXT and X11 addons installed...
> Kasper

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