Re: New - Networking Question

From: Sven Conrad ([email protected])
Date: Mon Jun 19 2000 - 15:26:32 CEST

Hi Robert

resort your info:

> ipaddr=
> netmask=

ok you have a subset with 253(4) free ip-numbers.
allready fixed: network = ip & netmask (=

> broadcast=

broadcast is (on muLinux allways)
bc = ip | ~netmask (=
your bc is not part of your subnet!

> gateway=""
> network= ( this one confused me a little, I have tried to
> change this to and it wont save it )

strange thing, who won't save? "setup -f network" ????
I just try it with your nubers and it saved, but don't work...

> nameserver=""

realy, then it must be acessed allways by your gateway!

> so why wont it allow me to change the network to 0.0 ?

Realy no Idea, but try once again a clean setup. And allso ping as first
try the gateway by its direct address, when this works, ping to
(and don't forget the route in 192.168.1.* clients) and at last ping
with names
resolved over your nameserver.

As last tip. Try to avoid "0" in Network-addresses, it's sometimes


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