Re: mu + Interbase

From: [email protected]
Date: Sun Jun 18 2000 - 17:01:02 CEST

I may build an addon, thanks for the info.

I think I am going to try building a "Session Server", I build web-based apps all day, and I've had to create a similar thing multiple times, a database that holds,ages,andkeeps track of user sessions. So I can just hand the user a little cookie with a GUID (globally unique ID), and I can get to their session information. Now, if I farm a group of web servers, or use load balancing.. then technologies like ASP (Active Server Pages), that have machine specific sessions don't work. BUT, if you key from the GUID you've given them you can store whole heaps and gobs of information. mu+interbase would make a seriously lightweight "Session Appliance"... dedicate a box to session data, that you can get to from ASP, Perl, etc.

 I've done it in SQL Server and DB2, using VB components both times, and Delphi once to act as my "Session Object"... now I'll do a mu+IB+Delphi (Pascal) and I will try and create a similar solution under linux with free pascal... if it works, I'll try doing it in C++ -- I think better in Object Pascal, so I can prototype it quickly.

Isn't it neat how you develop little "algorythmic tools", that you can bang out again and again to solve certain problems.

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Michele Andreoli <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 21:58:07 +0200

>Do you plan to create an addons? I've added an addons-mini-howto in

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