Re: [mu download distribution organization] was: A new EXT.tgz

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Sat Jun 17 2000 - 22:24:42 CEST

On Sat, Jun 17, 2000 at 12:27:51PM -0400, [email protected] nicely wrote:
> That's why the readme file, which I inadvertantly didn't put in the display:
> downloads
> readme
> "current VGA in past 3r6b/
> current TEX in past 4r3b/
> current VNC in past 4r2b/
> ....
> current muLinux in 9rb3
> future SVGAs in 9r5b { -1, -2, -3 are known broken}
> "
> past/
> ...
> current/
> ...
> future/
> ...

This is the theory. I like much theory. But to take this advice is
pratically impossible to me. I know my limits: I wasn't able to
keep ordered and clean a *single* directory/release. Can you imagine
what kind of caos can I generate?

I have a simple FTP connection with Sunsite and upload with a
script self-made. To connect interactively mean for me to write
down a un-readable password and perform the very annoying process.


I'd like to conclude with a positive statement, but I can't 
remember any. Would two negative ones do?       -- Woody Allen
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