Re: Puzzled

From: [email protected]
Date: Fri Jun 16 2000 - 16:53:40 CEST


On 17 Jun 2000, Alan Jenkins wrote:

> Soory if this sounds stupid, but how can i fit your 1.8M files onto a floppy disk? If this is a problem with downloading in binary, I am using Internet Explorer. Can u help me?
It hardly sounds stupid. The question has come up before..
Basically by taking full advantage of some feature not usually used in
floppy drives you can fit more data (1.722MB) of information. You'll
observe that the file you're talking about is 1.8MB. As was pointed out
before this is most likely because of the gzip and tar compression which
puts a header and other data on the file. > >

--I hope this helped you, Alan!!
--Ian Elliot
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