From: Neo ([email protected])
Date: Fri Jun 16 2000 - 15:20:42 CEST
----- Original Message -----
From: Johannes Krausmüller
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 10:18 PM
Subject: how to install new programs
>Now (after solveing some problems) muLinux really runs good. But now I want
to >install some new programs. I want to play mp3-files. Because of this I
would like to >install mp3blaster (if anybody knows this, or is there
another good player except the >player in the "menu"). I use mp3blaster on
my SuSE Linux and so I als o want >toinstall it for muLinux. But I think
there is no rpm-command which could help me to >do so. Do I have to download
the sources of mp3blaster and compile it or is there >any other solution
(perhaps on one of the addons)?
Rpm is not installed in mulinux. Why? Well a tar-bz2 file containing the
binary and the sources is about 8 Mega. you can compile it on a libc5 system
or with static libraries, but you will never successfully install rpms,
because of the package depencies, i think. instead, you should download the
mp3blaster sources and compile them. this would be more easy.
Enno Welbers
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