Re: customising muLinux

From: Alexander Polonsky ([email protected])
Date: Tue Jun 13 2000 - 09:16:26 CEST

Hello, Michele!

> Maybe my opinion is minority, but muLinux is designed as emergency,
> pedagogical, poket tool. To change kernel and to change libc is not
> in the plan. When I wish to recompile something, I use a complete
> Linux installation.
OK. Let me a little change the question: Could you please tell me, how
have you reduced the Linux to the size of a 1.72 floppy? How did you
complied the libraries, binaries and modules, how have you changed the
startup scripts? If I know how have you done it with kernel 2.0.36 and
libc5, it'd be much more easy for me to do it with kernel 2.2.14 and
libc6. Because my goal is to have a small Linux with this kernel and libc
version. Help me save my time! Maybe you have a special HOWTO for this or
know where can I find it?

Thanks in advance

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