[[email protected]: mulinux feedback]

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Thu Jun 08 2000 - 16:42:00 CEST

As you may see, recent installation system is smart enough to install
muLinux in a 386 with 4Mb. This report seems to confirm this
hypothesis. This guys had been able to run X-Windows in a 4M machine.

If someone still has problem with 4M, it can contact Antonio.
Can I downgrade to "4M" the very minimum requirement for muLinux
in the home-site page?


----- Forwarded message from Antonio Zugaldia <[email protected]> -----


        First of all, sorry for speaking in english, I am spanish but I don't
know italian :(

        I have been trying last version of mulinux (with all addons) in a i386
laptop with 4Mb of RAM and HD 80 Mb. mulinux has work perfectly!
Slooooowly, but works. Also the XWindow system, sloooooowly but works!
Congratulations for your work. I have been surprised with its quality!

----- End forwarded message -----

I'd like to conclude with a positive statement, but I can't 
remember any. Would two negative ones do?       -- Woody Allen
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