Re: [mu TECH] an 'mc' tweak, changing 'mc's default editor

From: Karl-Heinz Zimmer ([email protected])
Date: Fri Jun 02 2000 - 17:55:58 CEST

Hi Michele

am Fre, 02 Jun 2000 schriebst Du:
> On Fri, Jun 02, 2000 at 12:05:28PM +0200, Jef Knoors nicely wrote:
> > >
> > > Then the Midnight Commander's user-friendly text editor
> > > ("Cooledit v2.1") will be run whenever 'F4' is pressed;
> > > thus avoiding 'vi'.
> > ...
> >
> > Please: could we have an option in the setup skript
> > to let the user CHOOSE which editor to use?
> >
> > I do not like the idea of changing to the mc-editor silently
> > because most of the power users (those who allready *know* Linux)
> > would probably prefer the vi.
> In a (very) remote release number, there was in Setup/Misc this
> option: vi or ae? this setup create a vi->ae link.
> I can restore this old feature.

This would be nice but I think Alfie's idea went even further because
he suggested a modification of /usr/vnc/lib/mc/mc.ext to have another
editor started from the Midnight Commander.

Please let me suggest an enhancement:

Due to the fact that most people prefer using the same editor throughout
the system and do everything with 'their' editor (and taking into account
that the Gurus who wrote 'The pragmatic programmer' also suggest to use
only *one* editor but use this one tool *good*) I would prefer to have
kind of a ''general-editor-switch'' in the Setup that would do two things:

a) change the meaning of the 'vi' command by creating a link to

   - vi
   - ae
   - mc -e (Midnight Commander's text editor "Cooledit v2.1")

b) change the command at the very end of the file
   /usr/vnc/lib/mc/mc.ext to

   - Edit=%var{EDITOR:vi} %f
   - Edit=%var{EDITOR:ae} %f
   - Edit=%var{EDITOR:mc -e} %f

By doing this the user would have a chance to choose from 3 editors
and she/he would get her or his editor of choice everywhere in muLinux.

Sounds good? ;-)


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