Re: [mu TECH] v9.r1b is misnamed]

From: Vieira Netto ([email protected])
Date: Wed May 31 2000 - 19:24:33 CEST

Hello World of Mulinux!

The real name of this Keyboard map is "US INTERNATIONAL"
for those countries that doesn´t have a specific Keyboard map.

We, Brasilian, have our Key Map, ABNT2, but supplyers and users like the
old US International. (Do you know why? Brasilian keyboard is 1 dollar
more expensive).

It´s not good for American people, cause after a quote or others it
keeps waiting for a "a", "e" "i" "o" "u" to make a composition like "ä"
"á" "à", etc... If you type space just after quote or the others the
actual sign appears.

Thanks Renato, I want some Hints to make ABNT2 Key Map.

Um abraço,

[email protected]
Usuário Linux Registrado # 100.600

Alfie Costa wrote:
> On North American keyboards, the quote keys have become confused in mu 9r1b...
> I am using the file. If you hit the quote (") key, no quote character
> will show up on the screen until after another key is pressed. This also
> happens with the single quote (') and the back-quote (`).
> Checking the keymap files, (stored in /usr/lib/kbd/keytable), it turns out that
> mu 9r1b uses a different file than the mu 7.x series.
> Further research reveals that the new map came to mu via a 4/6/00 thread on
> this very list, entitled: "accented characters map". In this thread Renato
> UL'd a brazilian keymap with accents, called ''. It was supposed
> to make US keyboards work better in Brazil, I think. Next Michele noted that
> this would consume space on the crowded boot floppy, and inquired if this new
> file was similar enough to to supersede it. Renato replied that it
> probably was OK, and added " I suggest some volunteers that use could
> test this new map."
> Hope this helps...
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