From: jef knoors ([email protected])
Date: Mon May 15 2000 - 16:24:53 CEST
I 've given it a deep thought this weekend, decided that there should come
no mini-Howto make the "NT-on -1-flop"
Custumising the first floppy in general would be the right subject.
According to the "readme.html" the should be a "custom.txt" but I couldn't
find it my self. Don't need it now any more.
Problem with customising like I did is, that you sacrefice the mount point
/usr/local so it isn't possible to load EXT-addon anymore.
Or the configurationfiles should go to /etc instead of /usr/local/etc.
Should there be another zipped file on the first disk containing your
faforite applications? perhaps call it CUSTOM.gz
Question is then, what should stay in the /usr/bin and what should go.
Where would the mountpoint of this CUSTOM.gz go ?
Main reason for creating the "NT-on-1-flop" is that I needed to prove to
myself that it is possible. I already gave a disk to a friend who is
studying MCSE.
There are people out there caught in the web of M$, who think there is no
other solution for there network then NT.
Consider this disk a promotion produkt of (mu)Linux.
I'll send the files to Karl-Heinz and you tomorrow, they need to be checked out and adapted in some ways.
----- Original Message -----
From: Michele Andreoli <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2000 7:16 PM
Subject: Re: samba mini distibution
> On Sat, May 13, 2000 at 03:26:03PM +0200, Jef Knoors nicely wrote:
> > Understand that I did deleted a lot of big files and changed the mu
> > (erased: grep local|)
> > Also speeded up the bootproces by deleting unused *.fun files
> > Never the less, I believe this kind of disk could be a new entry for
> > to get to know muLinux.
> > And I will send the BOOT ROOT and USR files to Karl-Heinz so he can see
> > to make of it.
> > (raw image, or something else.) But first I will have a few minor
changes to
> > make to it.
> A more elegant solution should be: to design a new super-clone script,
> running under standard muLinux, able to create specialized single
> floppy linux, using muLinux mounted material. This is a old idea of
> mine.
> >
> > I will send the Howto later this month.
> >
> > About breaking the floppy:
> > sorry, since I have no modem in that old 386 computer there were some
> > application that didn't match my need.
> >
> Obvioulsy, Jef: I used the word "breaking", because I cannot adopt it
> for standard muLinux itself.
> Michele
> --
> I'd like to conclude with a positive statement, but I can't
> remember any. Would two negative ones do? -- Woody Allen
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