Re: R: mulinux help needed

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu May 04 2000 - 21:06:37 CEST

I was using the that way available until May 02 (replaced with new method). I had everything in a /mulinux directory and got the system to boot by hacking the INFO=[dosinstall] line in the installation so that I could boot my system. At this point I don't remember how I got the install up and running, I think I just let it fail and then rebooted with a "partial" system in place. I went through this process so many times I'm not sure how exactly I finally got mu to build me a boot+usr+root disk, and I could finally use that disk to run it.

I think INFO=prep-umsdos was the line I used ... I guessed that the INFO line was actually calling one of the rc.dosinstallation or rc.prep-something, and it gives you a different boot up screen.

At some point after cloning from disk, during configuration it asked me for a swap size, which I set to 20meg, and everything unpacked just fine.

Basically, you need a good BOOT+ROOT+IMG of 7r3 or 8r2 or whatever was done on the 25th or 27th of April, and to change the line that loads the s/w to
loadlin.exe mulinux initrd=root.gz vga=normal info=prep-umsdos clone the system that is on the disk, and you should be fine. My problem was that I downloaded the new and lost the ability to load MULINUZ straight off the HD, and I didn't document what steps I went through, so I have to "discover" this again... it IS possible.


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Michele Andreoli <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 20:01:26 +0200

>On Thu, May 04, 2000 at 11:07:21AM -0500, [email protected] nicely wrote:
>> I almost had my PS/NOTE (486/4meg ram) machine up and running because at some point I got it to ask me for a swap size during cloning and I set it to 20meg, I could unpack and install USR/EXT JUST FINE!!... and it was working! I was actually interacting in mulinux, and I got greedy for X11...
>Please, please: what's the release number?
>How you set swap to 20meg?
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