Re: mu TECH: an unhurried digression on C pointers vs. arrays

From: Miguel Angel ([email protected])
Date: Wed May 03 2000 - 01:13:08 CEST

On Tue, 02 May 2000, Alfie Costa kindly wrote:
> On 29 Apr 2000, at 11:35, Miguel Angel <[email protected]> wrote:
> > I also used this kind of basic code optimizer, and what it was really
> > worse, i was an expert optimizing code such ways (i even reached the point to
> > hand code one character basic tokens and machine code with an hex editor). One
> > colud get some more kb of free memory and a 10% more speed this way.
> I'd never heard of such optimizers until after learning by hand the sort of
> tricks an optimizer does. I didn't do tokens, but by the late '80s was pretty
> good at lines like:

I saw one which worked on an ascii file with the program (grouped lines
together, deleted unnecesary spaces, etc) but working by hand with an hex
editor on the "compiled to tokens" code was much better. :-D

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